What is Regeneration?  What affect does it have on me?  How and why does the body regenerate?  Regeneration is the basis of Sunrider’s philosophy and product formulation.  The Philosophy of Regeneration states that if you nourish the body with a variety of concentrated herbal foods arranged in the right combinations, the body will regenerate itself. Regeneration









NuPlus is a proper balance of Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fatty Acids, Vitamins & Minerals.  It is a “WHOLE FOOD”.  NuPlus digests in 15 minutes so it goes directly into the body for nutrition.  All the vitamins and minerals you need are in NuPlus.  It even tastes good! Gentle, yet powerfully concentrated herbal nutrition, many pounds of herbs are used to make one pound of Sunrider food.


ALL NATURAL---- CONTAINS No chemicals or isolates, NO preservative, NO added sweeteners. Strengthens the body systems by nourishing tissues and cells.



Other Benefits:


Very good source of complex carbohydrates.


Helps fill in the nutritional gaps of irregular or inadequate eating habits, supplying natural, consistent energy for daily activity.


Great for recovery after exercise.


Produces energy and lowers cholesterol.


NuPlus maintains balance of blood sugar.


Each NuPlus serving contains superior herbal nutrition 65% Carbohydrates, 23% Protein, 12% Fat and ALL the vitamins and minerals your body needs.


The five beans in the NuPlus formula nourish the entire body including the Heart, Lungs, Spleen, Kidneys, Liver.


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The human body is miraculous in its design, with virtually hundreds of body systems that work both collectively and individually to carry out a variety of body functions.  These systems must be properly “furnished” like the rooms of a house, with the right nutrition for the right system.


When the body is nourished and cleansed with concentrated right combinations: of properly formulated foods, it will achieve its own balance. A system in balance adjusts itself and is self-regulating.


There must be balance to have good health, and that is what we have in Quinary.


Five unique herbal formulations designed to help address the nutritional needs of the body’s five major systems:


Alpha 20 C-----------Defense (Liver)

Lifestream---Circulatory (Kidneys)

Prime Again----- Endocrine (Heart)

Assimilaid---------Digestive (Spleen)

Conco-----------Respiratory (Lungs)


The Quinary naturally nourishes the body's five systems, collectively and individually.

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“Health  & Beauty”

Great as it tastes, Calli is not just a treat for the taste buds.  This ancient formula, originally formulated to help keep sharp mental focus and yet be relaxed, is well known for its superior cleansing effects.  Calli is alkaline in nature and doesn’t contain the tannic acid that most beverages contain.  Calli is designed to enhance the communication systems of the body, giving you energy and mental clarity.


Ingredients:  Camellia Leaf, Perilla Leaf, Mori Bark Extract, Alisma Root Extract, Imperate Root & less than 1% of natural flavors.


Calli is intended to:  


Improve kidney function

Help neutralize free radicals

Cleanse deep tissue

Help dissolve arthritic deposits

Help break down plaque deposits in hardened arteries

Leach out metals

Help eliminate parasites

Help break up cysts

Improve liver function

Increase energy!!!!!

Strengthen digestion

Aid mental clarity

Improve nervous system

Cleanse body from metabolic waste of lymphatic system


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Helps with the regulation of blood pressure.

Stabilizes blood sugar levels.

All natural sweetener, 300 times sweeter than sugar.

Anti-Fungal,  good topically on sores, cuts, age spots, zits, cancers moles.

Good for sore throats & gum infections.


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